About Us

Cosnia Classic Consultancy Ltd was registered with Corporate Affairs Commission on 3rd of March, 2011. The company is in the business advisory and consultancy services and to supply any individual, organization, Government, (Federal, State or Local) corporate bodies with ideas , plans, strategy, information and all assistance required to improve and enhance the financial circumstances of any organization, establishment, project, body or persons..

Other services provided include: auditing, quality assurance, accounting services of all descriptions, Tax consultancy; Training programs on Taxation, Accounting, business support services and capacity building; manpower development by means of workshops, lectures, conferences and symposia.

We are also in the business of advisory and consultancy services and to supply any individual organisation, Government (Federal, State or Local), corporate bodies with ideas, plans, strategies , information and all assistance required to improve and enhance the agricultural / environmental circumstances of such organisations, establishment, body or persons.

To help people create innovative solutions and make informed choices that will improve their lives. We motivate and encourage others to achieve their own personal professional fulfilment. Together we believe that the best in each of us enriches all of us.

At Cosnia, we have the vision of being one of the leading consulting companies in Nigeria in terms of providing professional services based on standards of very high quality.

Our clients include but not limited to the following organisations and establishments:

  • Nigerian Export Processing Zone Authority
  • Federal Judicial Service Commission
  • National Universities Commission
  • National Judicial Service Commission
  • National Assembly Service Commission
  • National Insurance Commission
  • National Mathematical Centre
  • Federal Ministry of Aviation
  • Sammya Farms Nig Ltd
  • Amedu Farms Nig Ltd
  • Anchor Insurance Ltd
  • Federal Ministry of Petroluem
  • Federal University Kashere
  • Federal University Lafia
  • Federal University Wukari
  • Federal University Wukari
  • Federal University Dutsin ma
  • Federal University Dutse
  • Federal University Gusau
  • Federal University Lokoja
  • Diskabog Ranch Ltd
  • Ado poultry Farms
  • Federal University Gashua
  • Bayero University Kano
  • Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto
  • University of Agriculture Makurdi
  • Benue State University
  • University of Port Harcourt
  • Federal University, Effunrun
  • Federal University of Ilorin
  • Federal University, Oye-Ekiti
  • Federal University, Ndufu Alike
  • Federal University, Otuoke
  • Special Duties Office, SGF
  • Mangel Farms LTD
  • High Commission Abuja

The substantial drop in the price of crude oil the world over has drastically impacted negatively on the income of major oil exporting nations. Nigeria the eighth world’s largest crude oil exporter is one of the hardest hit victims. This situation has led to the fast depletion of our foreign reserve and devaluation of our currency. The need therefore to accelerate the diversification of our economy particularly through Agriculture is of paramount importance as it is the main source of livelihood for millions of our people.

We are glad to present to you our proposal on our Agricultural division and the courses offered.